Let go of all tension

This full-body massage begins with the face, as I work clockwise around the body. I stretch and soothe each limb, the hands, feet, neck and shoulders, working the backs of the legs and finishing on the back.

The pressure of the massage is personalised to the individual, and my client's modesty and comforts are paramount.

Hands being massaged

What's included?


Crafted Aromatherapy Oils

The essential oils are chosen just for you. I blend these with complimentary carrier oils with healing qualities such as Hemp seed, Arnica, St John's Wort and Calendula flower, to name a few.


Optional Hot stones

Hot or cold stones are an optional extra to fall deeper into the sensation, releasing tension and discomfort in muscles and soft tissue.


Aromatherapy Gift

After a session I will hand-craft a gift made specifically for you, with natural, responsibly sourced aromatherapy ingredients.

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