Designed to treat all of your senses
Hypno-massage sessions combine the two therapies I specialise in,
aromatherapy massage blended with
hypnotherapy. The total sensory experience lulls the body and mind into an altered state, one more relaxed and open to maximise the full effectiveness of psychotherapy.
Full body massage releasing physical pain and tension
Aromatherapy oils blended to your exact requirements
Low lighting with optional eye masks for deep relaxation
Music with binaural beats to aid the hypnotherapy
A lovingly home made treat to take home

As the physical and mental stress eases away, we can now make full use of the scientific approach to solution-focused hypnotherapy. Using this evidence-based approach, enduring benefits can be achieved, even after one session.
Throughout 6-12 sessions, we can build long-term resilience, learning triggers and exercises to change perceptions and behavioural reactions. A guided meditation audio track is shared with a tailored aromatherapy gift to carry on embedding the practice during spare time and at home.
This combined therapy is for everyone, backed and used by thousands of practitioners. Effectively improving people with cyclic mental health struggles, such as depression, anxiety disorders, addictive behaviours and OCD. This type of treatment is also making strides in physical stress and chronic pain conditions but can help everyone to regain their confidence and sense of calm in life.